Gold Dust

Gold Dust is traditionally used to recharge lodestones and its magical properties. By giving your Lodestone power it can bring you your deepest desires. Gold Dust is also used to recharge your mojo bags, helping them maintain their drawing power.

SIZE: 0.5 oz.

Gold Dust is traditionally used to recharge lodestones and its magical properties. By giving your Lodestone power it can bring you your deepest desires. Gold Dust is also used to recharge your mojo bags, helping them maintain their drawing power.

SIZE: 0.5 oz.

  • Luck
  • Money
  • Prosperity

This item is sold as a curio.

Sprinkle Gold Dust around the base of money ritual candles to magnetize your prosperity and to bring wealth to your path. This dust can also be sprinkled within the home to bring in money. It is also used to strengthen spiritual works, spells, and practices.