Black Salt

Black Salt is believed to provide protection by setting boundaries to a dwelling, and is a good assistant for emotional and spiritual work. It is also great for cleansing works on yourself, dwellings, and crystals.

SIZE: 1 oz.

Black Salt is believed to provide protection by setting boundaries to a dwelling, and is a good assistant for emotional and spiritual work. It is also great for cleansing works on yourself, dwellings, and crystals.

SIZE: 1 oz.

  • Cleansing
  • Crystal Cleaning
  • Protection
  • Ritual Work

This item is sold as a curio.

For the home: Sprinkle Black Salt across every doorway of your home to bring protection and maintain a clean space, especially after smudging.

For your crystals: Lay your crystals in a bed of Black Salt. This will cleanse your crystals and recharge its energy for its specified use.